czwartek, 28 lutego 2013

Guardian Angel

Angel of God,
My Guardian dear
To whom
God`s love
Commits me here
Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guard,
To rule and guide...


Let everyone feel his Guardian Angel...

czwartek, 14 lutego 2013

Everybody has something from child...

Hallo everyone! It is do importent to have somebody to love...
Happy Valentine`s Day all of you!!!
Here collection of porcelain antique dolls.
My dougther loves it! So do I...

...and this one is my favour...

 I would like to share something with you... My friend Sandor wrote a poem...

Smooth ceramic love
cold to the touch
lacks any cracks

Ceramic beauties
there without a doubt
to care for or care about

Dressed in soft wool
kashmir and a smile
not fearing
How this make me look?

Beautiful, fragile

Reminds me of my beloved place
as it grows closer, and stronger
to some wrinkles on her face


sobota, 2 lutego 2013

Oriental jars collection

Dzisiaj chcialam pokazac Wam kolekcje dzbankow metalowych... Niektore z nich pochodza z Arabii Saudyjskiej, jeden emaliowany z kobaltowym szklanym uchwytem na wieczku - to robota japonska albo chinska, sama nie jestem pewna. Wszystkie to zdobycze na pchlich targach... Teraz sluza jako dekoracje, ale byc moze kiedys zaparze w nich prawdziwej, marokanskiej herbaty...
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